Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Baby Wearing: Fashionable, Functional and Beneficial!

I am rarely caught without my Moby Wrap. Luke and I both have "worn" our little muffin since the first days she was at home. Most folks compliment us on how cool the Moby Wrap looks. Although looking cool is at the top of mine and Luke's list of important things in life, we also realize that there is much more to baby wearing. The benefits to baby are numerous:

* Babies cry less. Research has shown that babies who are carried cry less overall. In cultures where babies are carried almost continuously, babies cry much less than those in non-carrying cultures.

* Good for baby's mental development. Babies spend more time in a "quiet, alert state" when carried - the ideal state for learning. Their senses are stimulated while being carried (yet there is a place to retreat too). When carried, your baby sees the world from where you do, instead of the ceiling above his crib or people's knees from a stroller. And the extra stimulation benefits brain development.

* Good for baby's emotional development. Babies are quickly able to develop a sense of security and trust when they are carried. They are more likely to be securely attached to their care-giver/s and often become independent at an earlier age.

* Good for baby's physical development. By being so close to your body's rhythms, your newborn "gets in rhythm" much more quickly. Your heartbeat, breathing, voice and warmth are all familiar. Research has shown how this helps newborns (especially premature babies) to adapt to life outside the womb.

* Good for babies whose mamas are depressed. Babies who are not held need more verbal interaction and eye contact, just to be reassured that you're there. Carrying your baby is a great way to connect with her (and provide stimulation too) without the "burden" of having to interact. Of course your baby is "right there" to enjoy whenever you feel like snuggling, kissing or talking.

* It's great for other people who look after your baby: Partners who work away from home, relatives and babysitters all have a ready way of connecting with and soothing your baby when they wear him/ her too!

We also really enjoy the fact that we can "hold" our little muffin and still have two hands to cook, clean, fix a plate in a buffet line, check out at Walmart, etc., etc., etc. Let's see you easily do any of those things with a baby on your hip!

Here is Aunt Becca wearing Muffin at the opening of the new Target in Middletown

Here is Daddy wearing Muffin during some play time with the mirror in the bathroom

And here is Mama wearing Muffin during one of her naps

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