Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sleep? What's that?!

I have been reading "The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night" by Elizabeth Pantley. First, let me say that our little Muffin is a fairly good sleeper, aside from days when she is having lots of pain with teething. She still wakes on average of 3 times per night though, for short nursing sessions. Based on the average sleep needs of other babies her age, I have found (after logging her sleep patterns) at she is about 2 hours deficient per day. Along with increasing her calorie intake during daylight hours, this is the routine I have come up with for her with the advice from the book:

Sleep Routines
to be followed as closely as humanly possibly!


1. Turn on water sounds in bedroom
2. Read 2 books
3. Nurse or bottle feed
4. Rock or bounce in moby while Scout plays music (5 minutes)
5. Rub back/ pat butt
6. Sleep
7. (repeat steps 4 & 5 if she doesn’t sleep)


1. 6:30- bath
2. Turn on water sounds in bedroom
3. Massage with baby lotion
4. Put on pajamas, diaper with lots of ointment
5. Read 3-4 books
6. Lights out
7. Sings a few songs
8. Nurse or bottle feed
9. Rub back/ pat butt
10. Sleep
11. (repeat steps 7 & 9 if she doesn’t sleep)

Daddy followed the night time routine perfectly and she is fast asleep as I am typing this. I hope that this, along with my attempts to gently diminish her suck-to-sleep association , she will reduce her night waking to 1-2 times per night within the next month or so.

*I also walked around with a stuffed Kanga down my shirt all day long to make sure it got my scent on it. We are leaving that in her crib while she sleeps.


  1. Why does the thought of you, with Momma Kanga stuffed down your shirt, make me laugh!!

    I don't want to talk about sleep over here (or the lack thereof). I'd hate to scare you!

    So happy to see you blogging again!

  2. Good Luck. Lucas is a good sleeper. He goes to bed around 9:30am and wakes up on his own at 7:30am. We give him a bath around 7-7:30pm, then cuddle, read books, breastfeed and then he falls aleep. That routine works for us.
