Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy 3 Year Anniversary, Luke!

I may not always tell you how wonderful you are and thank you for everything you do for our family. So I decided to tell you, and the world.

• Thank you for always cleaning up the dishes after dinner.

• Thank you for learning the “Hot Dog” dance because Kate likes it.

• Thank you for going to the gym and keeping your hot bod!

• Thank you for not missing one single OB appointment during my pregnancy.

• Thank you for understanding that lack of sleep can do crazy things to me.

• Thank you for filling my car up with gas, especially when it’s cold outside!

• Thank you for choosing family time over football with the guys on Sundays (I know what a big deal this is to you!)

• Thank you for encouraging me to take a risk and start my business. I now have a career that I love and I never would have had the courage to start it, if it weren’t for you.

• Thank you for working really hard to provide for our family so I can spend most of my time with Kate.

• Thank you for keeping up with our checkbook and paying bills on time.

• Thank you for understanding that keeping Kate’s nighttime routine consistent is more important than meeting friends for dinner.

• Thank you for forgiving me when I don’t communicate well.

• Thank you for giving me backrubs practically every night.

• Thank you for reading Dr. Bradley’s “Husband Coached Childbirth” cover to cover and going to 12 weeks of Bradley Method Classes to learn how to help me through Kate’s delivery.

• Thank you for learning the words to the “Oompa Loompa Song” because Kate likes it.

• Thank you for always getting me really thoughtful gifts.

• Thank you for telling me I’m beautiful even when I have on no makeup and my hair looks terrible.

• Thank you for showing me kindness everyday, even if I don’t really deserve it.

• Thank you for folding and putting away the laundry when I wash and dry it (teamwork, baby!)

• Thank you for doing Kate’s nighttime routine- bath, bottle, books and singing- every single night.

• Thank you for your constant companionship.

• Thank you for folding the towels the exact way I like them folded.

• Thank you for making muffins and pancakes for me on Sunday mornings.

• Thank you for supporting my efforts to exclusively breastfeed Kate by helping me get her positioned correctly and checking her latch- you helped us get off to a great start!

• Thank you for taking care of all the “manly” chores that I would hate to do (mowing the yard, taking out the trash.)

• Thank you for doing all of my sister’s handy-man work until she got a good boyfriend to help her with that stuff.

• Thank you for being the most wonderful husband and father I could have ever imagined. You really are my knight in shining armor!

• Thank you for being my best friend.

• Thank you for being you.

I love you more than you could ever know.